Jabberwocky Variations
Home : ClinStarr-Talky


Kenneth Nuckols

Was Billy perjured by his no's?
Did wily gambols perk his days?
For sake of moment's bliss did he
His intern's dress upraise?

Beware the ClinStarr-Talk my son!
The probes that pry, the lies confessed!
Beware the rumor mill and shun
The shameless smut-crazed Press!

He took his legal source in hand:
Long time the shifty truth he sought--
His head ached through, his tumtum too,
So he sat down and thought.

And as in boredom's grasp he stood
Came Linda Tripp in search of fame,
With hours of tape she'd gagged and raped
From burble-brainless dame.

"On cue! On cue! Hit camera two!"
Like Pavlov dogs thrown raw meat scraps,
Despite their mess, the liberal Press
Smelled blood and drooled and smacked.

And didst thou see the ClinStarr-Talk?
"What need?" the news producer scoffed.
"Lewinsky filmed it all for us--
Watch our ratings soar aloft!"

Was Billy perjured by his no's?
Did wily gambols perk his days?
For sake of moment's bliss did he
His intern's dress upraise?

Written by Kenneth Nuckols (nuckler@ix.netcom.com) shortly after US President Bill Clinton's confession of an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (and before the release to the media of special prosecutor Kenneth Starr's report on same).

Home : ClinStarr-Talky

keith lim     keithlim@pobox.com     http://pobox.com/~keithlim/