Noparity main help menu: [W]HO.....Llst last (1-100) calls [P]STATS..Change your SSTATS [S]STATS..Look at other users INFO [CALL]....Call the Sysop's [MO]DIFY..Modify your password [M]AIL....Electronic Mail & News [V]OTE....Vote on a given subject [T]RIVIA..A Trivial game! [TI]ME....Time left on Noparity [N]OTICE..Look at the Notice again [G]AMBLE..Put your money on the line [E]XTRA...Extra Help Files [BYE].....Leave Noparity Mail help menu: [N]EWS...Read all news letters [D]ATE...Read all new news letters [P]OST...Post a news letter [S]END...Send personal mail [R]EAD...Read your personal mail [F]AST...Fast look at subjects only [L]IST...List users or newsgroups [C]HECK..Amount of personal mail [TI]ME...Tlme left on Noparity [A]LIAS..Change into an alias [Q]UIT...Go back to main menu [BYE]....Leave Noparity EXTRA HELP MENU --------------- 0 - Return to Main Menu 1 - Beginner's Help 2 - Mail Help 3 - Gamble Help