Files 320x200x16 greyscale (B&W) and posed "live", except where noted:
BADDRUGS GIF   Stace intentionally moved as the picture was being shot
BBQ2GANG GIF   group shot; digitized from videotape
BBQ2PIE  GIF   Tara getting pied; digitized from videotape; poor; COLOUR
BOONE    GIF   Randy Boone
CUFF1    GIF   Doug Cuff in *bad* COLOUR     __________________________
CUFF2    GIF   Doug Cuff (as TABBS SysOp)   |                          |
GREENLND GIF   Danny Greenland              | to view all files, type: |
HUXTER   GIF   Sean Huxter                  |   1. "VUGIF"<cr>         |
LEGGE    GIF   Stephen Legge                |   2. "M"<cr>             |
MACFIE   GIF   Matthew MacFie               |   3. your mode # <cr>    |
MILISIC  GIF   Dan Milisic                  |   4. "1-23"<cr>          |
MITCHELL GIF   Chris Mitchell               |__________________________|
PALFREY  GIF   John Palfrey
POMAKIS  GIF   Keith Pomakis; digitized from still photo
RAHMEL   GIF   Marc Rahmel
ROLLMANN GIF   Hans-Paul Rollmann
RUSSELL  GIF   John Russell
SERIAL4  GIF   Chris Mitchell, Sean Huxter, Doug Cuff, Les "Baz" Cuff
STACEY   GIF   Craig Stacey (third and most recent shot)
STARCHER GIF   Kirsten Starcher (third and most recent shot)
SUTTON   GIF   Stephen Sutton
TARADOUG GIF   the burnt sense of humour of Joseph Dawson [not 320x200]
WHALEN   GIF   Tara Whalen