• Gmail Users Banned

    Google doesn’t respect the RFCs and has decided that the “period” (or “dot”) character doesn’t make a unique mailbox, despite the fact that it’s unique to every other piece of software in the world.  This has led an unscrupulous user (or group of users) to attempt creating more than 50 accounts here, seemingly in the hope…

  • Lesson 4.2 – Debugging Your Programs, Part 1 Java

    As noted in the very first lesson, using a debugger is a very important part of software programming.  This is part 1 of 3 for using a symbolic debugger.  There are different kinds of debuggers, but the symbolic debugger is typically the most useful for the majority of programming tasks.  Use of other types of…

  • Lesson 4.1 – Debugging Your Programs, Part 1 C++

    [Editorial Note: I goofed with a couple of the prerequisites from Lesson 0.  If you’ve been following along, please revisit Lesson 0, and install the CodeLLDB extension for Visual Studio Code, and remove the Native Debug extension.] As noted in the very first lesson, using a debugger is a very important part of software programming.…